LCME Response to MSDCI’s Letter

TO: Medical Students with Disability and Chronic Illness (MSDCI)

FROM: Robert D. Simari, MD, LCME Chair, 2021-2022

DATE: March 1, 2022

Thank you for your communication to the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) related to the specific inclusion of disability and disability-focused training in the LCME standards for accreditation.

At its meeting of February 15-17, 2022, the LCME discussed your suggestions for amendments to the various accreditation elements associated with Standard 7: Curricular Content.

After consideration, the LCME voted to refer your letter to the Subcommittee on Standards for consideration of changes to one or more elements in Standard 7. This review will occur during the spring/summer of 2022.

Please note that a public hearing is required for substantive changes to accreditation elements and standards that place additional expectations on medical schools. Such a hearing likely would be scheduled for the late fall of 2022.